xc Worm Farming: July 2006

Saturday, July 29, 2006

So far, so good...

All is well with the new batch of worms. I am adding very little waste and a lot more cardboard (proportionally). There are encouraging slithers whenever I lift the lid to check what's going on inside.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Taking it slowly

Am adding waste slowly and making sure I include lots of cardboard (to soak up the moisture). I notice that the cardboard does get damp very quickly so there is obviously a lot of moisture in there.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A fresh (?!) start....

Have just completed the rather disgusting task of cleaning all the rotting, decomposing, stinking, festering organic matter out of the wormery, yuk! Am now starting over again with a new colony of worms. Heather and the team at Wiggley Wigglers have very kindly sent me a new batch of worms and a new bedding block (free of charge, which is particularly kind of them). They arrived in the post today. On finding the small cardboard box I said to Alan (husband) "Ah, I think this must be the automatic door fitting for the hen coop........ oh, it's not, it's a new bag of worms!". This is not a sentance you hear yourself saying very often!.....With a half kilo bag of worms on the kitchen table I realised I needed to sort out the wormery and get the worms established in their new home asap, this wasn't really something that could wait for the weekend. So, they're all in the lower layer, they soon dug (slithered?) down into their bedding block. Will start adding waste, perhaps at a slower rate than before and with particular attention to including enough cardboard and shredded paper to keep the moisture levels down.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

No sign of life

We have left the wormery for over 2 weeks now in the hope that a new generation of worms would be 're-born' but as the picture shows, it's pretty grim in there! Each level contains dark rotting matter, there are millions of tiny flies in the lower two levels.

I think we're going to have to start again.